Our Blog

Ride 365

This year, we are participating in RIDE 365! We collect miles not only as individuals, but as a Chapter.  The more of our members that register for Ride 365, the more miles we can record!  There are great incentives for all.  Please take a few minutes to drop by JL Harley-Davidson with your VIN and Odometer reading to make sure you are registered.  This is different from the regular Mileage Program, so even if you are already registered for the Mileage Program, you still need to register for Ride 365. See you on the road.

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Welcome to our NEW website!

We are happy to announce the launch of our new website! Sioux Falls Chapter has joined the HOG[SCAN] family.  This new website and software will allow us to reduce our paperwork, improve our operations, and with new membership managment and participaton tracking tools. 

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